"The island of Vis is the food capital of the Adriatic when it comes to lobsters, and the best time to enjoy the sweet tastes of this 'marine sage in a suit of armour' is in the lobster hunting season, lasting from 15 May to 10 September."

So says The Dalmatia Times and we have every reason to confirm this in their comprehensive article chronicling those who catch them and those who serve them.

Here are two recipes from two of Vis's best restaurants to whet your appetite!


VIS BRUJET – “Pojoda” restaurant – Kut, Vis

INGREDIENTS: 1 kilo of lobster, 1 kilo of whitefish (monkfish tail), 3 large onions, 1 teaspoon tomato concentrate, 4 ripe tomatoes and 0.5 dL of wine vinegar.

PREPARATION: Slice the onions, add a pinch of salt and sautéed until the onions are soft and then add tomato concentrate, along with squashed tomatoes and pour in wine vinegar and 0.5 dL of water. Leave to simmer for five minutes. Then add sliced lobster and fish and cook together for 25 more minutes.


BUZARA LOBSTER"Bako" restaurant – Komiža, Vis

INGREDIENTS: 1-2 kilos of lobster, olive oil, parsley, garlic, salt, pepper, white wine, breadcrumbs.

PREPARATION: Add chopped garlic, parsley, breadcrumbs, salt and pepper to heated olive oil. When it starts to boil, pour over white wine and add lobster cut in smaller pieces. Put a lid over the pot and cook the lobster until it turns red, 10 minutes at most.